A unique opportunity awaits for adventurous souls.

Range of Light Territory is a vast swath of public lands, parks, and wilderness areas, including the southern High Sierra and extending east to Death Valley National Park. The land is larger than many states and inhabited by few people.

For the first time in history, technological advancements have created the opportunity for people to work remotely. With the proper set-up, income can be made from anywhere.

In the bad old days, Westerners came to Range of Light Territory to mine gold, along with many other esoteric minerals ranging from salt to titanium. These endeavors have come and gone.

The new gold in these wild lands is space—good old fashioned open landscapes spreading on forever. The public lands spreading eastward from the Sierra contain many campgrounds with thousands of sites, but, more to the point, the lands offer thousands of spots where camping is free.

During the covid pandemic, campgrounds were closed, which caused a a significant uptick in dispersed camping, i.e., camping in the wilds with a self-contained vehicle, a home on wheels. The Forest Service, and other agencies, were caught off guard by this surge in dispersed camping, and already have begun to limit the practice in areas of Death Valley.

The first North Americans, the Paleo Indians, numbered in the millions. They lived on these same lands “for free,” although life was a struggle. As the post-ice age lakes and rivers began to dry up over the millennia, the Paleo Indian population shrunk drastically. Their populations coalesced closer to the mountains and water sources, and were doing quite well until miners and ranchers and the U.S. Army came along in the late 1880s.

Today, “new-tech pioneers” have the opportunity to live the wilderness, earn income, and spend a fraction of what it costs to live in cities and suburbia. This opportunity, as it becomes popular, may not be around forever, but it is there now for people with the pluck to pursue it.

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